The first of the three Milankovitch Cycles
is the Earth's Eccentricity.
At present the orbital eccentricity
is nearly at the minimum of its cycle.
These continually altering amounts of received solar energy around the globe result in prominent changes in the Earth's climate and glacial regimes.
At present, axial tilt is in
the middle of its range.
The third and final of the Milankovitch
Cycles is Earth's Precession.
At present, the Earth is at perihelion and
is very close to the winter solstice.
America's education’s professional schools in medicine, business, math, science, and engineering are the world’s best. However, a liberal-arts major no longer certifies that a graduate will be able to read, reason, compute, or draw on a body of knowledge better than those without a degree. "The decline of the university has been an ongoing tragedy since the 1960s, but the erosion has accelerated because of ideological bias and its twin, incompetence."
Read the Full Article by Victor Davis Hanson